Sepehr Zarrine
Director of Surgitech Studies
Dental surgeon. Exclusive implantology
Specialist in immediate loading techniques, bone and gingival reconstruction in implantology
- Thesis in 2002
- European Master in dental implantology: clinical surgery, prosthetics, bone grafts (Frankfurt, Germany)
- Diplôme Universitaire de réhabilitation chirurgicale maxillo-faciale (Medicine, Paris VII)
- International speaker
- Speaker Fellow ITI (International Team for Implantology)
- More than fifteen articles published in national and international magazines on immediate loading, bone grafts, new techniques and advanced technologies in implantology.
- Co-responsible (with Dr Christine Romagna) for the ITI Est training program: training practitioners in implantology in the Grand Est region.
- Head of advanced training Surgitech Studies: training implantologists in advanced and complex techniques
- Lecturer at the Faculty of Dental Surgery, Nantes, DU Nice Implantologie Basale, DU Paris Sorbone Chirurgie Reconstructrice Pré et Péri Implantaire Orale
- Designer of new zygomatic implants in collaboration with Pr Edmond Bedrossian and Pr Carlos Aparicio

Face-to-face at our offices in St-Die-Des-Vosges or online