Occlusion Day


Making occlusodontics accessible at last...

Occlusodontics is an indispensable tool in our treatment plans, ensuring the longevity of our prostheses and implants.

Occlusion: a biological protocol applied to the digital world

The transformation of our profession towards digital technology is obvious.

In addition to simplifying and improving the precision of our protocols, the rapid exchange of files between clinics and laboratories has significantly improved practitioner-prosthetist communication.

Moreover, the biological and physiological foundations of occlusion have not changed.

Maturation of the manducatory system involves three stages, leading to the system's primary function: unilateral alternating mastication.

By taking this chronology into account, we can establish a functional protocol that can be used systematically for all our occlusal rehabilitations (orthodontics, PAT) in order to establish a diagnosis and a therapeutic proposal.

The ultimate goal of our treatments is balanced function. Achieving this through a biological protocol combined with the precision of digital tools guarantees the durability of our therapies.

Welcome 8:30 a.m.

Starts at 9 a.m.

Lunch 12:30-14h

Ends at 5:00 p.m.

Please note that training is non-refundable one month before the start date.

Jean-Claude Monin and Vivien Sixdenier
Jean-Claude Monin and Vivien Sixdenier
Specialist in occlusodontics and Founder of LIO
Face-to-face training
Online training
Surgitech Studies 4, rue Matter 88100 St Dié des Vosges FRANCE
8.30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
12 places left (20 available)
Jean Claude Monin & Vivien Sixdenier